Monday, 09 February 2004, 12:12:51 EST

Remember the assembly book I want you to buy me? You don't have to. It seems the author wrote it under a Creative Commons license. So, if you have the money then by all means buy the book and support the author. If you don't have the cash then here is the link to the pdf:


HELLO! Please help me. Do you know where you got this photo?

This looks EXACTLY like my estranged sister who I haven't seen in years. I would like to regain contact with her, but don't know how. If you have any information please help. Thank you!


Posted by SamSkillz on Monday, 09 February 2004, 22:32:16 EST.

Ummmmm, how does that have anything to do with this topic? It is just some picture floating around on the internet or a really hot female. I honestly don't know what to make of your post.

Posted by James Sumners on Monday, 09 February 2004, 23:02:20 EST.