Tuesday, 19 December 2006, 12:37:56 EST

The last time I rewrote this site, and implemented the theme I'm using now, I said that I would eventually get around to rewriting the print stylesheets. That was a long time ago. I've finally got around to it, though. Instead of just writing styles for printing, I also created a sort of print system. If you are using a browser with Javascript enabled, you should see a "Print This" item beside the comments link in each article. Clicking on "Print This" initiates a print of the single article with this it is associated. So if you wanted to print this article, but not the previous ones also visible on the page, you can do so without having to go to the comments page for the article. I think my solution is pretty swanky. There are no popup windows involved; everything is done with the content you have already downloaded. I've tested it with Safari, Firefox, Camino, and Opera. All of the browsers work except for Opera. I'm not entirely sure what Opera's issue is, but it does some craziness. I suppose I will write up a test case and file a bug report.

On a personal note. Final grades are in for fall semester 2006. I made a 3.00 for the semester. It brought my overall GPA up only three hundredths of a point, but that still an increase. I made a B in macroeconomics (I didn't really try in that class), an A in ordinary differential equations, and a C in combinatorics. I have no idea how I made as good as a C in combinatorics, but I'm not complaining. That class was rough. I enjoyed ODE, though. I feel like I really accomplished something in that class. The instructor set the bar very high and I came out first in the class (or at least, that is what he said before he was finished with all the grading). Next semester will be another tough one, but I think I can handle it. Since I made it through combinatorics, I should be able to make it through anything.


It looks promising. I much prefer this method to either redirecting to a "print friendly" page, or generating a popup for the printing request.

When I printed however (to file, I hate paper) it printed all of your articles on the main page view.

Posted by Mr Frosti on Wednesday, 20 December 2006, 6:32:23 EST.

Everything looked good in the print preview (essentially a temporary PDF on OS X). I'll do an actual print today, though, and see what happens. Thanks.

Posted by James Sumners on Wednesday, 20 December 2006, 6:39:25 EST.

I just printed this article twice. One with Safari and once with Camino. Both times it only printed the requested article. You didn't use "Print" from the File menu did you?

Posted by James Sumners on Wednesday, 20 December 2006, 7:41:40 EST.